E Co. bites: What is E Co?

9 December 2020, Category: All insights, E Co. bites, Tags: ,

Watch our bite-sized and easily digestible video series, sharing our insights and experiences of designing low-carbon, climate-resilient development projects, across the globe. We discuss the who, where, what, why and hows behind successfully obtaining funding from major donors, including the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and Global Environment Facility (GEF).


Speaker: Dr Grant Ballard-Tremeer

Question: What is E Co.?

E Co. is a consulting firm that helps develop low-carbon, climate resilient projects and programmes. We work in developing countries and emerging markets to help our clients secure funding from major climate funds, including the Green Climate Fund, the Global Environment Facility and the Adaptation Fund.

Our projects and programmes are thoughtfully and carefully designed which means they are easier to implement and are more likely to deliver lasting results. Our clients include NGOs, governments and organisations such as multilaterial development banks, seeking to develop their low-carbon climate resilient projects throughout the world.

We’re a diverse and passionate team of international specialists, with backgrounds ranging from social sciences, technology and engineering to economics and finance. Working together we’re able to help your projects achieve what they have the potential to achieve – to transform and bring about long-term sustainable change.

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