GCF co-financing requirements: what do stakeholders think?

For the GCF, co-financing is a key way to maximise impact-- and a critical element of project development.

Ahead of the 16th Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board Meeting in Songdo, South Korea, E Co. has published its latest GCF insight. This edition explores stakeholders’ perceptions of the Fund’s co-financing requirements.

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) was born out of the realization that existing climate finance was not enough to shift global economic development necessary to more sustainable pathways. For a significant impact to be made, a higher volume of support was needed. It is this understanding that drives the Fund’s aim of levering additional money for the projects it funds. Thus, co-financing has become a critical element of GCF project development.

This edition of GCF insight delves deeper into co-finance and offers a comprehensive examination of stakeholders’ impressions of co-financing. Based feedback from 152 survey respondents, the report details stakeholders’ views on co-financing and the challenges associated with it. It also includes stakeholders’ suggestions on how the Fund can improve its co-financing requirements. Significantly, the report found that discrepancies exist between stakeholders’ view and their perception of the Fund’s stance on the benefits of co-financing, appropriate levels of co-financing and desirable sources of co-financing.

Read about these findings and download the report here. We hope you find it useful – feel free to let us know what you think.