Mariella de Souza-Baker

Specialist areas

  • Climate and development communications
  • Integrated multimedia campaigns
  • Writing, photography and film
  • Creative content production
  • Branding


  • MSc, International development - SOAS, University of London (In progress)
  • BA (Hons), History with an International Year in Europe (France) - Royal Holloway, University of London
  • Histoire de l'art et Histoire - Université de Tours (ERASMUS)
  • Member - Chartered Institute of Marketing
  • Film school in a week, London College of Communication
  • Graphic design, Central St Martins
  • Reportage photography, Central St Martins

Mariella de Souza-Baker

In a nutshell, tell us about yourself.

I grew up just outside of London in a creative, welcoming and open-minded family. It was this environment which likely led me to working in Communications which now, for the last decade, has allowed me to develop ways to empathise with various groups and speak their language. I am a committed student of the humanities, which presents a deeper interrogation of the human condition and having a profound love for creative expression offers a multitude of avenues to communicate issues of social and climate justice – something which underpins the ultimate mission of E Co.

What’s the best part of your job?

Deconstructing a range of subjects and making them more accessible to those seeking to take meaningful action for the climate and society; attending COP28 – being present to witness global agreements occur in real time was frankly, indescribable; working alongside our global team of so many intelligent thinkers and doers.

What keeps you awake at night?

Decisions being taken in the world today which oppress and alienate on mass scales and continually reflecting on how to transform narratives around climate change ‘from a discourse on greenhouse gases and melting ice caps into a civil rights movement’.

What do you most admire?

Optimism, humility, big imaginations, grace under pressure, taking the time to make equitable and nuanced decisions.

What makes you laugh?

Blackadder, forever! And subtle or unexpected irony – mostly from my tiny daughter – she’s 10 steps ahead of all of us. Little children should lead us!

When are you happiest?

When I’m with my beautiful little family, deep in creative projects, backpacking, good music! Learning about different societal models at SOAS, watching historical, surfing and climbing documentaries – one day I’ll make one…of all three!