E Co. institute training | Linking local adaptation to national, sectoral, and project levels

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E Co institute

Join our adaptation training and build your skillset

Join us on Tue 20 June at 12:00pm UK time for an insightful adaptation training session moderated by Consultant, Marcus Arcanjo, and featuring Senior consultants, William Lynam and Dr Irina Hauler. In this session, we will be exploring how project developers can best link local adaptation needs and considerations to the national, sectoral, and project levels, so that adaptation can be holistically included as a foundational aspect of those projects that need adaptation measures the most.

Our two experienced consultants will also be determining how to integrate climate adaptation at the local level in the first place, providing practitioners several best practices to utilise in their own work. This session will last for one hour, and will include a dedicated Q&A session where registrants can ask any questions they may have.

What you will learn

Registrants will gain a greater understanding of how to align local adaptation with national, sectoral, and project level considerations and structures, alongside learning best practices on how adaptation can be treated as a foundational part of those climate development projects that need it the most.

We will share a workshop replay kit where you can access a recording of the session in the week following the event.

Participate in our Q&A and polls

We will be running a Q&A where you can ask all your most important questions and gain clarity on them, alongside polls where we will be asking you about your thoughts on adaptation within project design. Your poll answers will be shared anonymously and discussed with the live audience.

Register your place today for our adaptation training

If you work in climate finance or project development, do join us for this insightful adaptation training session. We cut through the jargon and get to the heart of this important topic, whilst providing deep analysis as independent climate finance experts. Just enter your email at the top of the page and please feel free to share it with any colleagues who may find this of interest.

Searching for insight on how to develop fit-for-purpose adaptation projects?

The development of successful adaptation projects around the globe that account for local context and ensure the needs of local communities are met is a difficult task. If you’re looking for support on a project, get in touch with one of our experienced consultants, or explore what we can do.

You can email us at: amy@ecoltdgroup.com

You can also follow us through our social media accounts:

Twitter: @ecoltdnews

LinkedIn: E Co.

Instagram: @ecoltdnews

3 Replies

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    Riham Fahad at


    Ravi Shankar K. at

    Is there any thing to offer on Farmers adaptations to climate change (it may be drought or floods) from your side? How to link their field level adaptation practices to national, sectoral and project levels?